Reading 04


For this weeks reading task this weeks video was all about Analysing. The video went through how to gather the information found in each article, to summarise, the main method is to;
  • Read the title, the abstract, the introduction and any headings and subheadings
  • Read the first sentence of each paragraph
  • Read text by checking for keywords rather than trying to fully understand the information in the sentence
  • Look at illustrations

Doing these steps help you gather by highlighting key points you find and in relation to questions you've set up at the start when making your matrix chart, keeping in relation to the chosen topic. The quickest way to do this is using Active and Pasive reading techniques, as mentioned briefly in a previous blog post, this will help you skim the text quicky to find key information and then can go back and recite for information gathering.

Below is a matrix chart I've created relating to the topic of VR AR and its future.
I've gathered quite a few articles which I've to look back on and gather information for the questions ive noted:
  • Does AR/VR have a function in our future?
  • How would AR/VR be used in the future?
  • Can AR/VR be used for education/work training for the future?

Excel spreadsheet with findings


  1. YOOOO Mr Moore I love the blog post its very insighting this makes me ponder the Idea of researching more leading me to believe that you know what your talking about. I also started using google scholar for me research I found it to help me a lot. I feel like I have a lot more now to go from. Keep up the good work man :)


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