Reading 03

 Reading 03

what is annotated bibliography

For this weeks reading task I learned more on Annotated Bibliographies and how they can help as well as improve our research sills Annotate being a latin word for taking notes and Bibliography being a greek word for book writing, so put them together and we get notes withing a book (not the most entertaining word), but doing research on these doesnt have to come from just books, anything with information/notes like articles are included. 
The three main parts to an annotated bibliography include:
  • Citation- Referencing sources found by authors
  • Summary- Summarising the source you find relating to the topic
  • Annotation- stating the source and tying it to the project and how it relates to the final piece backing up your findings
This video I found on Vimeo helpos describe this in more detail.
Another skills to pick up is Active and Passive reading, here is a chart differenciating them from each other.
Active reading is paying more attention and gathering information and annotating from souces while reading. While Passive reading is more scanning through and not looking for articles in particular.

picture of differences of active and passive reading

Active reading will really help in this project for the final book as we are entering the gathering stage for information and articles. Knowing more on this method of research is very helpful and hope other can benefit from this too.


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