Game Stories


This weeks post is about Game Stories. A story in a game is very important as a game with a good storyline will make you remember and go back to re-play it again after completing. If a popular game has had a successful story for its first they would most likely release a second or third even, like Drakes Uncharted, the storyline leading to a great story and gameplay landed the game as a PS4 Hit (it's that good!)

In my previous post about Game Fun I went through the key elements that game developers need to take into consideration about designing games with a good story that keep the players interested and in the zone. In a video source about game narrative its told that a way to grip players into the game is interactive narrative, the butterfly effect done in games like Before Dawn and Heavy Rain, it is where a (NPC) non playable character asks or actions for you to respond, you usually have a limited time to respond. Based on the responses, they can change the course of the story which would make the player want to replay the game to see the other outcomes. 


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