Unity Tutorial
For this weeks Unity tutorial continuing Ruby's Adventure, I learned how to create an enemy and adding animations onto our characters. This tutorial was fun to do, seeing how to use the animator tool and learning how it's done was fun but was very challenging especially following the written tutorial on each step as they weren't videos. Learning about parameters and setting it correctly onto the character animation making it move on the X and Y then modifying it on the character script was new and challenging.
Done through the controller, which was what sets each movement from static to movement and to end was done on each character, along with setting a collide animation for when Ruby hits into the robot(enemy) a health piece is lost.
I've created a health item in the game for Ruby to collect as there is objects in the game where she can lose health, not just from the robot.
Overall the tutoral was interesting to learn, and the next tutorial on projectile objects, camera and particles will be fun
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