After reading this weeks reading task, I've become more aware of the steps of organisation from this video they go through the cycle of Information in a fun way.
This semester we get the chance to help each other create a book (to publish!) about gaming and media, for the next coming weeks witht eh groups split, we will research on a topic within the book. Each topic in the book will be covered by different groups, based on what they chose that interested them.
Organisation is key for this project, so given resources like our college library for other similar publishes and tools to use for organisation like; The matrix Method and an Organisation Chart, which is very similar to a mind map. The Matrix method consisting of folder organisation is very handy, as for is with most modules, folder organisation for web design is very important, it will help keep track of any research trails. The organisation chart is like a mind map which is handy to get your reasearch in order.
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